Nether Hall School


The Governing Body oversees the Governance of Nether Hall School.

Governors meet regularly through the following committees and at their termly Governors’ meetings:-

  • Finance & Staffing
  • Personal Development Behaviour & Wellbeing
  • Quality of Teaching & Learning

The Governing Body possess a broad range of skills and experience and has particular expertise in the areas of education and finance. It seeks to utilise these positively to provide challenge to both the Head Teacher in order to ensure that the quality of education for all young people is of the highest standard and meets their specific needs. Parent Governors play a key role in the Governing Body and in particular ensure that there is always a sharp focus on the development & well-being of students and their families.

Adrian Keene,  Chair of Nether Hall School's Governing Body.


"I am delighted to commend to you the professionalism, dedication and supportive work of all of our staff which makes the school experience here at Nether Hall as constructive, educational and life enhancing for our students as possible."

The Governing Body is made up of the following representatives:


Mr. A. Keene - Chair of Governors
Mrs. S. Naylor (Head Teacher)
Mr R. Power - Vice chair 
Mr. P. Howkins - Parent Governor
Mr. C. Smith - Governor
Ms. J. Booth - Governor
Mr. S. Brown - Governor
Mrs. H. Sanghera - Teaching Staff Governor
Mrs. S. Trivedi - Support Staff Governor
Mrs. L. Pilmore - Deputy Head

Mrs M. Matthews - Parent Governor


Governors Meeting Attendance and declaration of interests  2021-22

Governors Meeting Attendance and declaration of interests  2020-21

Nether Hall School, Keyham Lane West, Leicester, LE5 1RT

0116 241 7258